Cartmel Road, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD21 2RD

01535 210110

Victoria Primary School

Believing and achieving together

Upper Key Stage 2 - Years 5 & 6

Home -  Curriculum  -  Upper Key Stage 2 - Years 5 & 6

Welcome to the Years 5 and 6 

General Information

Welcome to the Year 5 and 6 page!

Here we aim to share useful information that you can refer back to, and also celebrate and share the children’s learning.

What is happening and when?

  • Our PE day is Thursday. Children should come to school dressed in their PE kits on that day.
  • Children in Year 5 go swimming on Fridays. They should bring their swimming kit to school every Friday.
  • Children in Year 6 will take part in an additional PE session of cycling on Fridays.
  • Please read with your child for 10 minutes daily.
  • Please ensure your child brings their reading book and school diary to school every day in their book bag. This lets us change their books regularly once they have read them. 

The staff in Angelou Class are class teacher Mr Hussain and cover supervisor Miss Ali.

The staff in Mandela Class are class teacher Mrs McTigue and teaching assistant Mrs Khan.

The staff in Pythagoras Class are class teacher Mrs Rashid, HLTA Mrs Brickles and teaching assistant Miss Skillicorn.


Here are some websites that you can use whilst you are in Year 5 and 6.

Educational websites

Education City

Purple Mash



Year 5 and 6 statutory spellings

Below are the Year 5 and Year 6 statutory spellings. These are covered through weekly spelling tests but any additional practice will help the children become confident with the spellings. Repetition and application into writing is key when it comes to helping children to remember their spellings. Thank you for your ongoing support with this.


Y5 and 6 Statutory Spellings

Y5 and 6 Common Exception Words

Our learning in Years 5/6

As we have mixed age group classes, we have a two-year rolling programme to ensure our children cover the national curriculum effectively and learn the content they need in a progressive way. This means whether they start in Upper Key Stage 2 in Year A or Year B they will cover the content they need in a way that builds their skills progressively. The academic year 2023-24 is Year A.

Annual overview

Click here for the Long Term Plan Year A

Click here for the Long Term Plan Year B

Year A – Curriculum information for parents Year B – Curriculum information for parents
Autumn 1 Autumn 1
Autumn 2 Autumn 2
Spring 1 Spring 1
Spring 2  Spring 2
Summer 1  Summer 1
Summer 2  Summer 2

 Weekly Timetable – please click below for the weekly timetable for Year 5/6.

Year 5/6 Timetable


In Art this year, we made pottery similar to that made in the Maya Civilization, which we were studying in History. We studied some designs, looked at their shape, colour and texture and then designed and made our own creations. We painted them in bold colours, similar to the style used by the Maya.


Part of our science this year has been to learn about friction. We planned and carried out an investigation to predict and then examine which surfaces created the most friction.


In Geography, Years 5 and 6 learned about physical and human geography in the locality, including canals and rivers. They learned about how a river is formed from source and how it grows as it meanders and continues its course until it reaches the sea.

A look at some of our learning

Religious Education

In Religious Education we visited a place of Worship – Bradford Cathedral and learned about the different celebrations that are held there and learned more about the amazing building.

We visited a local watercourse and followed it downstream to see first-hand how rivers are formed.

This helped us to have a deeper understanding of rivers when working back in school.

We compared similarities and differences in the beliefs and practices of different religions.