Cartmel Road, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD21 2RD

01535 210110

Victoria Primary School

Believing and achieving together

British Values

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British Values – Democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of others with different faiths and beliefs.

At Victoria Primary School, we promote and develop British Values within our curriculum and throughout our school. A key aim for our school is to teach our children to become rounded, responsible and positive citizens in their local community, who treat others with respect and leave school ready for the next stage of education and life. We promote the following British Values at Victoria Primary School, both through explicit teaching and through the other opportunities and the ethos and culture in the school:

1. Democracy

This is taught through elections of our Junior Leadership team representatives across school. Interested candidates speak to their classes about why they would like to be elected and children then carry out a vote for the representatives from each year group (Years 1-6). They are elected for a year. They write their own terms of reference for the group, elect chair and vice chair and clerk and take minutes and carry out meetings properly. They take part in a range of activities for the benefit of other children, including, choosing the school menus, leading assemblies on specific celebrations or organizing fundraising opportunities.

Children take part in a vote every week in our assemblies through the ‘Votes for Schools’ programme. They discuss a question over the course of the week and learn to listen to and consider the views and opinions of others. The questions cover a wide range of issues that cover values that cross different religions and beliefs, such as respect for everyone, regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs.

In Victoria Primary School, children are always listened to by adults and are taught to listen carefully to each other, respecting the right of every individual to have their opinion and voices heard. We encourage our children to take ownership of their learning and progress. Which encourages an increased sense of both personal and social responsibility.

Pupils views are gathered regularly through pupil voice activities and via the Junior Leadership Team. Parents’ opinions are also welcomed through dialogue with staff and through parent questionnaires.

2. The Rule of Law

At the start of transition into new classes in July, each class discussed the school and class rules, routines and expectations. A ‘class charter’ is created by each class, which all children and adults in the class sign to show their agreement. These charters are displayed in each class along with the school rules. Rewards are linked to ‘dojo’s’ which children can collect, (classes can also earn class rewards) and sanctions are linked to playtime throughout school.

Children are taught the reasons behind laws and the value of them, that they protect us and the responsibilities we all have in following them. They learn that there are consequences when laws are broken and these values are reinforced in different ways, including:

  • Children learn the rules of the road in their ‘Bikeability’ training and the potential dangers they could face in breaking those rules
  • In Religious Education lessons when learning about particular faiths
  • In other curriculum subjects where there is respect and appreciation for different rules, for example the rules of a game in Physical Education

3. Individual Liberty

In addition to learning about rules and laws, our children also learn about liberty, including, freedom of choice and the right to respectfully express their views and beliefs. Through the fostering of a safe and supportive school culture, we provide appropriate boundaries to make choices safely. We teach our children about their rights and personal freedoms but also how to exercise these safely, for example through visits from our PCSO teaching children about online safety and how to keep themselves and others safe in the digital world. 

Pupils in Key Stage 2 are given responsibilities, for example, managing scooters at break and lunch times and becoming designated monitors for milk, bagels and energy efficiency across school.

Through provision of wider opportunities, for example visits in the local and wider area and residential visits, our children are encouraged to make choices, whilst knowing they are safe and supported.

4. Mutual Respect

At Victoria Primary School, we have high expectations of everyone in terms of behaviour and achievement. Children are taught oracy skills and learn the conventions of conversation, understanding they need to listen carefully and respect the views and opinions of others. Children learn about how to deal with conflict and are taught strategies to manage their emotions to support them in dealing with situations in a positive way.

Individual achievements are celebrated in our achievement assemblies, where children are recognized and affirmed by the school community. These achievements are not always academic success, but could be celebrating a particular characteristic or value, for example, helping or supporting others.

Through other opportunities, for example, Anti Bullying week and E-Safety week, children learn about how to show respect to others in a range of situations and understand the importance of showing respect to everyone.

5. Tolerance of other faiths and beliefs

Victoria Primary School is fortunate to have a diverse community, which supports us in celebrating different beliefs and backgrounds. Respect and tolerance is promoted across all aspects of school life and is at the heart of the culture and curriculum of our school.

We are proud to belong to Nurture Academies Trust, which we co-formed with the intention of ‘bringing communities together’ across the district, celebrating the rich diversity that our locality has to offer.

We follow ‘Believing and Belonging In West Yorkshire’, The Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education – Second Edition 2021, which ensures all children learn about the different religions and learn to respect and understand the beliefs, opinions, cultures and traditions of others.

This learning is enhanced in a number of ways:

  • Through links with other schools within our Trust, involving joint visits and learning opportunities
  • Through ongoing, strong Linking Schools links with three small primary Schools in North Yorkshire, a very different community to Keighley, including visits to each other’s schools, a visit to an outdoor education venue and ‘pen pal’ links
  • Through our curriculum lessons, for example, PSHE and RE where children learn an awareness and appreciation of different cultures
  • Through visits and visitors from a range of backgrounds and beliefs
  • Through an appreciation of music and arts from different cultures
  • Through celebrating cultural differences through assemblies and celebrations, for example, school Eid lunches, Christmas dinner, Chinese New Year