Cartmel Road, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD21 2RD

01535 210110

Victoria Primary School

Believing and achieving together

KEY STAGE 1 - Years 1 & 2

Home -  Curriculum  -  Key Stage 1 - Years 1 & 2

Welcome to Years 1 and 2

General Information

Welcome to the Year 1 and 2 page!

Here we aim to share useful information that you can refer back to, and also celebrate and share the children’s learning.

What is happening and when?

  • Our PE days are Mondays and Fridays. Children should come to school dressed in their PE kits on those days.
  • Please read with your child for 10 minutes daily.
  • Please ensure your child brings their reading book and school diary to school every day in their book bag. This lets us change their books regularly once they have read them.  
  • The staff in Burningham Class are class teachers Mrs Allen and Mrs Jones and cover supervisor Ms Lazenby.

  • The staff in Rosen Class are class teacher Miss Galloway and cover supervisor Miss Hey.

  • The staff in Annan Class are class teacher Miss Keeley and cover supervisor Mrs Martin and teaching assistant Mrs Sisley.

    Useful Websites

    Here are some websites that you can use whilst you are in Year 1 and 2.

    Educational websites

    Education City

    Purple Mash



Year 1 and 2 statutory spellings

Below are the Year 1 and Year 2 statutory spellings. These are covered through weekly spelling tests but any additional practice will help the children become confident with the spellings. Repetition and application into writing is key when it comes to helping children to remember their spellings. Thank you for your ongoing support with this.

100 High Frequency Words

200 High Frequency Words

Y1 Common Exception Words

Y2 Common Exception Words

Y1 and 2 Common Exception Words

Y1 and 2 Curriculum Spelling Words

Our learning in Years 1/2

As we have mixed age group classes, we have a two-year rolling programme to ensure our children cover the national curriculum effectively and learn the content they need in a progressive way. This means whether they start in Key Stage 1 in Year A or Year B they will cover the content they need in a way that builds their skills progressively. The academic year 2023-24 is Year A.

Year A - Curriculum information for parents Year B – Curriculum information for parents
Autumn 1 Autumn 1
Autumn 2 Autumn 2
Spring 1  Spring 1
Spring 2 Spring 2
Summer 1 Summer 1
Summer 2 Summer 2


Long Term Plan

Click here for the Year 1 / 2 Long Term Plan - Year A

Click here for the Year 1 / 2 Long Term Plan - Year B

Weekly Timetables – please click for the weekly timetable for Year 1 / 2.

Year 1 / 2 Timetable

Design and Technology

In Design and Technology we developed our skills using different materials and joining them together by making puppets.


In Geography we have been learning about compass directions and finding our way around the school grounds using a compass.


In Science we have been learning about living things. We learned about different animal groups and the different features different groups have.

We learned to identify and name a range of common plants and trees in our school grounds.


In Art we learned about artist Andy Goldsworthy who uses natural materials to create his works of art. We used natural materials to create our own works of art based on his style.

A look at some of our learning

We learned to make a winding mechanism to help Mr Grinling, the Lighthouse Keeper, get his lunch safely.

We also learned how to make structures by designing and making our own kites, which we tested in the playground.

We also enjoyed learning about cooking and nutrition, learning about food hygiene and how to make delicious dishes that we can try to make again at home.

We also investigated different materials and which material would be good to keep teddy dry on a day out in the rain.