Early Years Foundation Stage Nursery
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Foundation Stage – Nursery
General Information
Welcome to the Nursery page. Here we aim to share useful information that you can refer back to, and also celebrate and share the children’s learning.
What is happening and when?
- Children do not need to wear school uniform in Nursery. Please send them in older clothes as they may get messy or wet during their investigative play.
- Waterproofs and wellies will be provided for children, but your child can bring their own wellies if they wish to.
- Mondays and Thursdays are library days in Nursery when your child will change their book. Please make sure your child’s library book is brought to school on those days.
- Please bring a set of spare clothes for your child in a bag to leave on their peg in case they need to change.
- Please read with your child for 10 minutes daily and talk about the pictures in the books.
- Please download the 50 things to do before you’re 5 app onto your phone and complete some of the activities with your child at home. Talk to them about what they are doing. Photographs of your child taking part in the activities can be emailed to:
These will be printed and displayed in school on our 50 things board.
- Please make sure your child’s name is in their wellies and coat.
The staff in Murphy Class are class teacher Mrs Nellist, cover supervisor Mrs Kauser and teaching assistants Miss Ali, Miss Mahmood and Miss Bano.
Things to do – how to help your child at home
- Download and do the 50 things to do before you’re 5 activities.
- Play games with your child that involve taking turns.
- Constantly talk to your child and listen to their answers. This is important in developing language skills and social skills.
- Sing nursery rhymes and songs that have repetition that children like, this will help them to remember new words.
- Tell or read stories to your child, as this is an important part of developing an interest in reading. This should be an enjoyable experience for you and your child.
- Aim to share a story for around 10 minutes every day. When reading a story, encourage your child to talk about the pictures and identify characters. Let your child hold the book and turn the pages as you read the story.
- Spend time outdoors with your child and encourage them to run, jump and climb. This all helps to develop good gross motor skills.
Our learning in Nursery
Long Term Plan
Click here for the Nursery Long Term Plan
Curriculum information for parents |
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Reading is the key to learning for children as it helps them to access all other areas of the curriculum. Over the year, our curriculum uses a selection of high quality texts to engage children and inspire a love of books and reading. Here are some of the ones we use throughout the year.
We have a large outdoor space with lots of room to develop our gross motor skills and to have fun!
Home corner
St. Ives Woods and Park
We love to climb on the tyre dome.
We visit the local park to look at the changing seasons and play.
We like to climb and swing and play in the park.
We love to role-play and investigate things.
We enjoy playing in the provision areas inside and outside Nursery.
Water area
Experimenting with water outside.
We enjoy visiting lots of places in our local area.
Hesketh Farm
We like to cook and make things in our mud kitchen.
Sometimes we collect treasures too!
We enjoy having visitors coming in to help us with our learning.
Creative area
Enjoying the see saw.